What does Bypass cost?
Bypass is $494 ex GST per post. First listing is free, but successful placement will incur our standard $494 ex GST. See Pricing page for further info.
What type of roles can I recruit?
With our experience in property & construction, that is where Bypass' strength lies. We recruit roles such as Contract Administrators to Project Managers, Designers to Architects, Estimators, Development Managers, Site Foreman and Managers, etc.
Can recruitment agencies use Bypass?
No. Job boards are flooded with fake ads posted by recruiters fishing for candidates. We will never allow Bypass to become one of them.
How long do Job Ads remain live?
35 days, unless filled earlier.
How do you restrict Recruiters?
We simply don't allow them on Bypass. We will work with you and your job post so we know every opportunity is valid. No fake ads on our platform. Ever.
Can I advertise more than one role per Job Ad?
No, one job per ad is our rule. Eg; you cannot state 2x Project Managers or 1x Estimator + 1x Contract Administrator within ads. But nice try!
How does Bypass prevent resume spam?
It's annoying, we know! We check every candidate who applies to ensure their skills and experience are relevant to you.
How do I get help?
Simply email queries to team@bypass.net.au or call us on 1300 314 125. We're here to help so just ask!
How does Bypass assure the quality of applicants?
Our network spans as far as any recruitment agency, and we personally vet the candidate to make sure they're right for you.
How much does it cost?
Nothing. Nada. Nil Not a cent. It's completely free for Jobseekers. And unlike recruiters, we don't sting your future employer 15% of your salary!
What type of employers will I find on Bypass?
Only property & construction companies. All tier builders, plus various architecture firms and property groups.
When applying, who will view my resume?
Our team here will check your application to make sure everything is correct, and then send it on to the employer. No-one else sees your application.
Is Bypass for me?
If you're a property or construction professional interested in the industry - you've come to the right place!
There are no Jobs available for me!
Like most things, jobs are dependant on market demand! Be sure to click the Register for Job Alerts button to be notified as they become available.
Do I need to register to use Bypass?
You can search and view job ads without registering. When applying for a position, you'll be issued login details in order to apply for other jobs.
How do I apply for jobs?
Click 'Apply Now' within the Job Ad, enter your details, and attach your resume. Couldn't be more simple!
What types of jobs will I find on Bypass?
With our experience in property & construction, that is where Bypass' strength lies. We recruit roles such as Contract Administrators to Project Managers, Designers to Architects, Estimators, Development Managers, Site Foreman and Managers, etc.
What type of searches can I do?
Bypass allows you to search for jobs based on title, location, sector, and preferred employer.
How do I get help?
Simply email any queries to team@bypass.net.au or call us on 1300 314 125. We're here to help so just ask!